

My students and friends,

        In order for us to know better the aim and arrangements of our course and come to our agreement, now is published the teaching plan of our class as follows, including the teaching aim of the course, the teaching materials used, and the way of test as well as mock exam. It ishoped that if you have any suggestions or questions, do contact me to in order better promote our Chinese teaching and learning.

选修基础汉语Podstawowy kurs Języka chiński



        I. 内容和安排  Tresci programowe and Schedule

        II. 使用的教材 Teaching Materials Used

        III. 教学目的 Teaching Aim

        IV. 考查形式 Way of Test

        V. 模拟试题 Simulation Test

I. 内容和安排  Tresci programowe and Schedule









       1       2       3      4          5       6        7       8            9       10       11      12       13         14      15    


    次 times                                                                                   内容和安排  Tresci programowe and Schedule

1. 新学期教学计划解释 Explain the teaching plan for the new semester

2. 《汉语会话301句 (上)》 第1课(“你好”); 语音、词语、课文    (P13, page number online)

       “Conversational Chinese 301 (I)” Lesson 1 ("How do you do"); Pronunciation, new words and expressions, and text



汉语会话301句 (上)》 第2课(“你身体好吗”); 拼音、词语、课文    (P17)

       “Conversational Chinese 301 (I)” Lesson 2 ("How are you"); pinyin, new words and expressions, and text



汉语会话301句 (上)》 第3课(“你工作忙吗”);拼音、词语、课文    (P21)

       “Conversational Chinese 301 (I)” Lesson 3 ("Are you busy with your work"); pinyin, new words and expressions, and text



汉语会话301句 (上)》 第4课(“你贵姓”); 句型、词语、课文    (26)

       “Conversational Chinese 301 (I)” Lesson 4 ("May I have your name"); sentence patterns, new words and expressions, and text



汉语会话301句 (上)》 第5课(“我介绍一下”);句型、词语、课文    (P30)

       “Conversational Chinese 301 (I)” Lesson 5 ("Let me introduce to you"); sentence patterns, new words and expressions, and text



汉语会话301句 (上)》 第6课(“你的生日是几月几号”); 句型、词语、课文    (P36)

       “Conversational Chinese 301 (I)” Lesson 6 ("When is your birthday"); sentence patterns, new words and expressions, and text



汉语会话301句 (上)》 第7课(“你家有几口人”); 句型、词语、课文    (P41)

       “Conversational Chinese 301 (I)” Lesson 7 ("How many people are there in your family"); sentence patterns, new words and expressions, and text



汉语会话301句 (上)》 第8课(“现在几点”); 句型、词语、课文    (P46)

       “Conversational Chinese 301 (I)” Lesson 8 ("What time is it now"); sentence patterns, new words and expressions, and text



汉语会话301句 (上)》 第9课(“你住在哪”); 句型、词语、课文    (P50)

       “Conversational Chinese 301 (I)” Lesson 9 ("Where are you living"); sentence patterns, new words and expressions, and text



汉语会话301句 (上)》 第10课(“邮局在哪”); 句型、词语、课文    (P54)

       “Conversational Chinese 301 (I)” Lesson 10 ("Where is the post office");sentence patterns, new words and expressions, and text



汉语会话301句 (上)》 第11课(“我要买橘子”); 句型、词语、课文    (P60)

       “Conversational Chinese 301 (I)” Lesson 11 ("I want to buy some oranges"); sentence patterns, new words and expressions, and text



汉语会话301句 (上)》 第12课(“我想买毛衣”); 句型、词语、课文    (P64)

       “Conversational Chinese 301 (I)” Lesson 12 ("I want to buy a sweater"); sentence patterns, new words and expressions, and text




总复习 General Reviewing




  We may possibly make some proper modifications on this schedule with the probable need later.


II. 使用的教材 Teaching Materials Used

      1. 用于课堂的课本 Textbook for Class Teaching

           1) 汉语会话301句 (上) Conversational Chinese 301 (I)

                  汉语会话301句练习答案 (上) Keys to the Exercises in Conversational Chinese 301 (I)

           2) 汉语会话301句 (下) Conversational Chinese 301 (II)

                  汉语会话301句练习答案 (下) Keys to the Exercises in Conversational Chinese 301 (II)

                  汉语会话301句 (上、下部分音频) Conversational Chinese 301 (Some Audio for I and II)

      2. 供自学参考 For Self Learning Reference

           1) 博雅汉语初级起步篇 上 北京大学 Boya chińskie I, (Uniwersytet Pekiński)

                博雅汉语初级起步篇 上 (音频 MP3) 北京大学 Boya chińskie I(Audio MP3), (Uniwersytet Pekiński)

           2) 博雅汉语初级起步篇 下 北京大学 Boya chińskie II, (Uniwersytet Pekiński)

                 博雅汉语初级起步篇 下 (音频 MP3) 北京大学 Boya chińskie II(Audio MP3), (Uniwersytet Pekiński)

           3) 汉语基本句型和量词 Basic Chinese Sentence Patterns and Measure Words

           4) 中国歌曲 Chiński wybrane utwory;  


III. 教学目的 Teaching Aim


        The purpose of this course is to learn the basic knowledge about Chinese, essential skills and preliminary expression.


IV. 考查形式 Way of Test

     期末考试包括笔试和录音。 Final exam includes paper and audeo recording.


V. 模拟试题 Simulation Test

                                                                              Paper for CEF

Please do the following work: translating and answering the questions, and then make your record and keep in M4A, 3GP, etc. and then send me back (yjh766@gmail.com) with the document name as “CET-(your name)”:

I. Please Translate the Following into Chinese:

  1. Who is he?
  2. He is my friend.
  3.  Let me introduce briefly.
  4. I am your teacher!
  5. Is this your Chinese textbook?
  6. What is your name?
  7. I am very glad to know you.
  8. Excuse me, where is the classroom?
  9. The classroom is over there.
  10. Whose book is that?

II. Please Translate the Following into English:

  1. 那是谁的词典?
  2. 这是我的朋友的词典。 
  3. 请问,图书馆在哪? 
  4. 我的专业是现代文学。
  5. 请问,现在几点?
  6. 现在7点20分。
  7. 现在10点半。
  8. 现在差一刻11点。
  9. 你的房间号是多少?
  10. 你有空儿吗?

III. Please Answer the Following in Chinese:

  1. 你好!
  2. 你叫什么名字?
  3. 你是美国人?
  4. 你是哪国人?
  5. 对不起。
  6. 现在几点?
  7. 今天是星期日吗?
  8. 明天星期几?

      9. 你是老师,还是学生?
      10. 教室在哪儿?
      11. 这个大学早上几点上课?
      12. 你喜欢唱歌吗?